
Your local testing station…

Not everybody lives near an airport, or a city centre. And yet we would all like the opportunity to be tested in a safe space, by professional people who take great care, with hygiene and protocols, to make sure we get an accurate and fast result.

So we developed the NeighbourhoodNurse system. We enable qualified nurses to come to a location near you, make it welcoming, make it safe and give you, your friends, your family, and your neighbours, a way to get tested.

A friendly face, a reassuring and confident pair of hands. And high quality tests.

This approach also helps us to keep the cost down for you. Our nurses often use a local village hall or church hall or public library.

Right now these spaces are not busy or are closed to maintain social distancing. Because of that, they are low cost, and we pass the savings on to you.

With advance planning, and full preparation of social distancing and hygiene protocols, our nurses can also come to places of work, to test you and your colleagues.

Contact us for further details.

The Starter Kit

We provide each NeighbourhoodNurse with the following tools for the task.

  • Free Self Test & HealthID Passport. It’s important to us that each nurse practitioner knows their own health status. We give three free tests in the starter kit and free access to our HealthID Passport app.

  • Discounted tests for the nurse practitioner’s immediate family or household.

  • Initial stock of test kits. Cost to be deducted from future revenue.

  • Hygiene preparation materials

  • PPE including Tried&Tested Visor and N95 mask.

  • Marketing Collateral

  • NeighbourhoodNurse branded tote bag

  • Administrator access to online personalised booking system enabling NeighbourhoodNurse to control the location and timing of tests they will conduct.

  • Rewards on every test. Up to 25% of revenue.

  • Automated payment of rewards, direct to their nominated bank or PayPal account, within 7 days of test completion.

  • Also, we enable nurses to make use of our affiliate partner locations. Typically these are retail stores such as travel agents and car hire operators. Access to these locations is based on a variable revenue sharing model.